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Principle Message

I have great pleasure to expressing my thoughts as the Principal of CNS Institute of Paramedical & Naturopathy. In present time, Un-Employment is the major problem in India, very qualified and highly experienced persons wandering here and there for employment. The Mentality of the 80% Unemployed educated youths is to get the job in Govt. Service, so with the frustration may Un-employed choose the fatal ends of fails in criminal activities.

To control this critical problem my institute decided to run different Paramedical Courses.

In modern world, Paramedical science has emerged as important branches of medical science. It is proved as a milestone in the treatment of communicable diseases. In other words, we can say that paramedical science is a backbone for medical science because right diagnosis of any disease is Necessary to prevent fatal diseases. Thus, medical Science can't take even a single step without paramedical science.

These paramedical courses are pointing towards revolutionary changes. These courses have provided job opportunities in medical field not only in India but also in other countries. Paramedical science is emerging as a multi-dimensional branch of science which is full filled with great opportunities.

As paramedical is only capable of removing & diagnosing different diseases, it has given way to career opportunities and played an important role in improving the health conditions of people. Paramedics are the key players in the Health & Medical Sector. Without paramedics, the entire Health Industry is out of gear and is almost non-functionary. If there are no Paramedics, there is neither money nor any profit for doctors, hospitals, private clinics, etc.

you cannot save the world but you might save the man in front of you, if you work fast enough.

              Best Wishes For all Students!!!
                                                                                                                                       Divya Tiwari
                                                                                                                         CNS Institute of Paramedical
                                                                                                                                  Naturopathy, Amethi

University Of technology jaipur rajasthan


Paramedical Education & Training Council


All India Naturopathy and Yoga Education Council


Sikkim Alpine University
